'DEATH' Tuff Street Kings ve gts
Tuff Street Kings ve gts, 1500rwhp and destroys tyres like nothing!
AO Mapped body, blower, rims Damageable Body and supercharger Subwoofer (Dont move the car for a while and music will start playing fomr the subwoofer) 6 Colour choices 2 speed
Credits: Jet whittle: engine + simmons wot: interior + plates + window stickers + data + AO mapping + tyres 370HSSV: animations + plates (Discord: https://discord.gg/9bQaJSp8T5 ) TAXIDRIVER: exterior textures + self lighting lights + AO mapping + flames (Discord: https://discord.gg/4YXyEPadX3 ) Base model: Assetto Mods - Car and Track Database (His patreon: https://www.patreon.com/assettomodsdatabase)
Patreon incase you wold like to pay with pay pal (vip tier):
You'll get VE GTS 'DEATH'